

{{todoList.remaining()}} of {{todoList.todos.length}} remaining [ archive ]
css del ejemplo: Javascript API x = $v("P8_INPUT"); $s("P8_MOSTRAR",x); Grafico barras básico select a.product_name, b.quantity, b.customer from eba_demo_chart_products a, eba_demo_chart_orders b where a.product_id = b.product_id and customer = 'Store A' Barras stacked básico select id, project as label, NVL((select sum(t.budget) from eba_demo_chart_tasks t where t.project = and t.budget > t.cost),0) as value, 'under budget' as series , 'green' as color from eba_demo_chart_projects p union all select id, project as label, NVL((select sum(t.budget) from eba_demo_chart_tasks t where t.project = and t.budget <= t.cost),0) as value, 'over budget' as series , 'red' as color from eba_demo_chart_projects p Gráfico de pasterl básico (area 600x400) select, b.project label, sum(a.cost) value from eba_demo_chart_tasks a, eba_demo_chart_projects b where a.project = group by, b.project order by 3 desc Gráfico dial (area: x250) SELECT sum(case when COMM is null then 0 when COMM = 0 then 0 else 1 end) value, count(*) max_value FROM eba_demo_chart_emp Gráfico de Stock SELECT null link , PRICING_DATE label , OPENING_VAL , LOW , HIGH , CLOSING_VAL, VOLUME from eba_demo_chart_stocks where stock_code = 'METR' order by PRICING_DATE Cuadrículas interactivas: Tabla: EBA_DEMO_IG_EMP Selector de Filas Selector de Filas con secuencia numérica: Atributos - Avanzado - Código Javascript function(config) { config.defaultGridViewOptions = { rowHeader: "sequence" } return config; // don't forget to return this! } Vista Icono/Detalle select EMPNO, ENAME, JOB, MGR, HIREDATE, SAL, COMM, DEPTNO, ONLEAVE, NOTES, case when job = 'MANAGER' or job = 'PRESIDENT' then 'fa fa-users' else 'fa fa-user' end as icon from EBA_DEMO_IG_EMP Atributos: Vista de Icono Mostrar: Sí Tipo de Icono: Clases CSS de Icono Icono CSS: ICON Columna de etiquetas: ENAME Vista De Detalles Mostrar: Sí Antes de filas: Para cada fila: Después de filas: